Nolletti Stands with Other Professionals Who Request a Freeze on Changes to Custody Evaluations
The Blue-Ribbon Commission on Forensic Custody evaluations has recommended to Governor Hochul that forensic custody evaluations be limited or eliminated in cases involving custody and parenting time. Judges rely on the reports of neutral mental health professionals who serve as forensic evaluators. While the current system has flaws and could stand improvement, families are better served with the present forensic evaluation system than they were before the state implemented the system.
As a member of the Board of Managers for the New York Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, James Nolletti, Founding Member of NLG, joined with other concerned professionals to request that Governor Hochul pause before taking any action that would change the current system. They ask that the Commission consider input from professionals who work with custody issues in the courts on a daily basis, such as judges, practicing attorneys, and mental health providers. The Commission’s report fails to include important detail about the information on which the group based their decision, and the makeup of the commission lacks the diversity required to properly consider such an important issue.
You can read the Chapter’s letter to Governor Hochul here.
Nolletti Law Group PLLC will keep you up-to-date on this important issue.